Photo by Mike Bitton
A competitor in the USASA Timberline Classic Series Sloopestyle competition catches air off the third jump in a snowpark spnosored by Next Adventure.I love being associated with Next Adventure, "Portland's Alternative Sporting Goods Store." I shoot a lot of the events the store sponsors. This year, Next Adventure is sponsoring the snow parks at the famed Timberline Lodge ski resort on Mt. Hood, Ore. The USASA series will have events at Timberline every weekend through the end of February, so I'd wager I'm about to become very familiar with the drive from my house to Timberline Lodge! The banner in the bottom left corner of the shot is from the store. Owners Deke and Bryan will be elated!
Photo by Mike Bitton
Riverboarders Ice (left) and Docta P hike upstream along Fish Creek in the Upper Clackamas River drainage near Estacada, Ore.I photographed Portland, Ore., riverboarders Ice and Docta P back in August 2005 for a New Orleans fitness magazine. Hurricane Katrina soon put the magazine out of business.
But these adrenaline junkies have successfully pitched an article on their addiction to a new magazine in Portland called Wend (as in "wend your way," or find your own way in the world). Hopefully, some of the shots from September's shoot can accompany some of the new winter shots I got today.
How cold was the water? The Ice Man and Docta P were both double-wrapped in neoprene wetsuits, and still squealed like babies in a chilly bathtub.